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lift his head hugged wang fugui s waist and buried his head in.

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Still many things she didn t understand about her mother yesterday I was only halfway through my conversation with yun gui when I was interrupted by zi tong today she had to find a way to keep zitong out for a little longer.

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emperor hurry up and give someone else s daughter back if you want a girl you can t have one yourself why are you dominating other people s.

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To stay with your adoptive father for a few more days duoduo lowered his head looking a little disappointed is the adoptive father treating duoduo badly no duoduo shook his head the adoptive father is very kind to duoduo she.

Was silent for a while then he raised his head again with a smile on his face okay then duoduo will stay with his adoptive father for a few more days xu zhizhong originally planned to let her go back but she unexpectedly.

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Breeze blew by and the branches and leaves of the towering tree in the corner rubbed against each other making a rustling sound I don t know how long it took before duoduo slowly regained his senses aunt jade thank you.

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Been exposed by many people finally disappeared from his face yes she is no longer here xu zhizhong said ha it s a waste that I am still the emperor but I can t even protect the people I like many people blinked their.

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Light and shadow I ll try again for the last time she looked at chi yuan and promised after this time no matter what the result is hey we are all out of the palace how do you want to do it chi yuan looked at duoduo.

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