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Actually plays this trick it seems that all officials are the same his subordinates have been following situ yi for a while you can guess what he meant by the words after hesitating for a while he still said this one seems.

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Blood on his body duoduo s eyes turned red uncle zhang go on your own zhang qian frowned and held on tight he hit many people s backs and the sword in his hand knocked over the wrist of a dongchang eagle dog the weapon in.

Avoid the vital point the sword pierced his back shoulder many people can clearly feel that zhang qian s body froze for a moment she wanted zhang qian to give up on her but zhang qian didn t give her a chance to speak not.

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Duoduo nodded repeatedly I hate being serious but no but duoduo interrupted guang qing an she said daddy daddy guang uncle cang you all already know who I am right as soon as these words came out several people fell.

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Could she not be worried xiaowan went out with me now I am safe and sound but xiaowan s life and death are uncertain many people thought of the old lady she was old and in poor health what if something happened to xiaowan.

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